ClickPOS offers SMS function as an Add-On.  Please use the "Activate this function" buttons below to activate the SMS option.
The SMS is offered in three sections.
  1. SMS to your Staff and your Customers for repair status or a general sms.
  2. Automatic SMS to your customers for birthday greeting, or expiring plans (Telco industry)
  3. Automatic SMS to company owner on performance of company.

These powerful features enable you to rapidly send a message to your customers, to your staff, or receive company performance info as the owner of the company. SMS fee is 22 cents per sms.

 SMS type Options

SMS to
  - Your Staff
  - Your Customers

Activate this function

To Staff :
   Simply select staff names grouped by user group and send sms

To Customers : 
   - In Repairs section, notify customers when their repair job changes status.
   - In Customer screen, simply select customer(s) and send sms
   - Select customers and notify when Plan is expiring (Telco industry only)

Below are examples of sending SMS to your staff and 
beneath  that is SMS to customers coming off contract or by particular handset purchase.

Automatic SMS to CUSTOMERS 

Activate this function

Automatic sms includes
-> Daily automatic text message to customers on expiring plans
-> Daily automatic Birthday greeting to customers

Customise a generic sms to send to your customers. Eg. Send a daily sms to congratulate your customers on their birthday, and invite to offer % off on certain products or a free gift when they come into store and show message.
Automatic SMS to MANAGEMENT 

Activate this function

 As a company owner, you can receive A DAILY sms on your company performance.
  1. Company Gross profit
         Example of sms: 

                  Gross Profit: ABC401:$10548.71

  2. Daily Sales
Provides Todays sales and in brackets, calander month to date.
         Example of sms: 

              ClickPOS DAILY SALES 2011-12-12=>378,829.55 (4,228,228.47) Prod:54,460.01 (624,645.20) Phon:115,782.15 (1,706,959.30) Rev Carrier:108,587.67 (1,896,623.97)

Description of sms
Date of sms, Total Sale Value Today (Total Sales Month to date) Accessory & Service Product sales Sale Today (Total Product Sales Month to date), Phone Sales Today (Total Phone Sales Month to date), Carrier Revenue Today (Carrier revenue manth to date)

  3. Connection Count.  Daily total and month to date totals (For Telco industry only). Details of connections grouped by Plan category. See these categories in Tariff Plan section of ClickPOS.  
      Example of sms: below is a sample output to your mobile phone