Thank you for your video upload on why YOU LOVE CLICKPOS.

Simply record a short video on your phone why you love clickpos, it could be you or your team.
Then either upload the video file using the upload below, or you may email it to and
include your name, company name, job title, telephone and for your free gift include T-Shirt Size (Small, Medium or Large and Colour Black or white)

You may include features of clickpos such as the sale screen, stock taking, central reporting on stores or employee or the add-ons such as eftpos integration, or Xero financial integration.
It may be about our fantastic service how it changed your life in the retail as a company owner, administrator stock control person or as an accountant.

Video file will be used for promotions on ClickPOS website and other professional social media sites. Your surname will not be displayed for your privacy. 

  • Your Details
  • Your Free T-Shirt Gift

  • Upload your video file