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 Stock screen Point Of Sale   Reports 

Retail Store      
   Point of Sale
Selling your products is a simple 2-action process, where you scan the items then click the method of pay. The receipt is printed and cash drawer opens. See how easy it is to make a sale in our training modules on this website.
   Customer Details
Capture customer details while making a sale or reuse the same customer details for account clients. You may create a quotation or even a purchase order for given customer.
   Daily Reconciliation
Reconcile daily takings in cash register for notes & coins, EFTPOS terminals and even recharge card terminals.
   Search for Products in Other Company owned stores
All staff can instantly view product pricing and its availability in other stores. So no more costly telephone call between stores to find a particular product line.
   Branch Level Reporting
Staff can view various reports, for example, end-of-day banking, stock levels, sales information even their own sale performance.
   EFTPOS Integration
Fully integrated web based EFTPOS terminals. The terminals connect via USB through your PC. The terminals can be used for remote stores like temporary kiosks. All transactions are available online and can be grouped by store.

Stock Control Warehouse
   Purchase Orders
Purchase Orders can be created instantly utilising the companies shared product catalogue. Order creation is either made by head office or individual branch, and can be delivered to one or many destinations.
width="45" Stock Control
Here’s the real power of the system. Management can view all stock held in each store by click of a button, and because the system data is live, all information is up to the minute.
Create Your Own Barcode Labels
If you wish to create your own adhesive barcode labels, then simply produce labels as stock is added.
Stock Transfers
Transferring stock between stores is a breeze. Just select the branch you are transferring to then scan the items barcode. You may wish to print a consignment note for each delivery.
Wireless Product Catalogue and Pricing
You may control all products listed in your catalogue from one source. These include adding new lines of products, changing prices etc.
The product catalogue is broken down to 5 levels of categories which can be tailored to your requirements in the apparel industry, by master category, sub category, style, colour & size. If in the auto industry, by make, model, year etc.
Head Office and Management
Predefined Reports
There are dozens of pre-designed reports you can choose from, including Sales, Stock Financial Accounts and other related reports.
Report Generator
Another powerful feature inbuilt is the report generator wizard where, Management can design, view and export any combination of data to your favourite application or accounting system.
User Permission and Security
The system is designed so you may create unlimited users and user groups, which restricts users from accessing sensitive data.
Transaction Log for Audit
An inbuilt audit tracking lists all activities of user actions, including date and time stamp of user login/logout, inventory and sale activities. This powerful tool can identify and track any item from when it is ordered, sold, repaired etc.
Accounts Receivable / Payable
Included in the system is simple to use cashbook accounts designed for those who have minimal accounting background. The financial reports reflect all requirements of your accountant including tax calculation for purchases and sales. Alternatively for more advanced accounting,  integrate to Xero accounting.
Financial Integration
Integration to popular financial systems such as Xero Accounting. We can also provide specific integration.
General Information
Online User Training Modules
It is important to give your staff full training so they are confident when using the system, so we devised Online training modules. Any new employees can rapidly understand the system in a matter minutes. Just click the training modules then watch and listen.
SMS Gateway
The system is designed to notify retail owner/manager on daily sales information and customers for promotions, birthday greetings.
Web Presence Online Shopping - connecting to your choice of e-commerce.
Seamlessly integrate all your products into your website, where your customers purchase online.